Estagio personalismo henri wallon biography

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    Estagio personalismo henri wallon biography

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    Henri Wallon(1879 - 1963) was a French-born pedagogue and psychologist who dedicated his life to researching child psychology and the maturation phases that people go through during our childhood.

    His works, theories, and ideas are considered some of the most important in developmental psychology, alongside those of such renowned figures as Lev Vigotsky and Jean Piaget.

    Contrary to these two authors, Henri Wallon was not an extremist in the debate on genetics versus environment, and believed that both factors had a great weight in the development of capacities, personality and the way of being of children.

    Thus, for him genetics served as the basis, and the experiences of each individual led to the development to a greater or lesser extent of certain traits in the person.

    On the other hand, Wallon believed that cognitive, affective, biological and social development was not continuous, but rather occurred in a st