Alfred von wierusz kowalski biography template

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    Polish Art Corner

    Certificate from Eliza Ptaszynska, Suwałki Museum, March 2016 available.

    Karl Karcher, Kaiserslautern;
    Mathilde and Gustav Jacob Adt, Forbach (Moselle);
    Carlotta Adt, Forbach (Moselle);
    Private collection, Southern Germany

    Friedrich von Boetticher, Malerwerke des 19.

    Jahrhunderts, Hofheim am Taunus 1973, Vol. I/2, p.785, no.35

    Alfred von Wierusz-Kowalski, born in Suwałki in 1849, was one of the best known Polish-born painters of the 19th Century Munich School.

    After several years spent enrolled at the academies in Warsaw, Dresden and Prague, Wierusz-Kowalski settled in Munich in 1873 to study with the Polish historical painter Józef Brandt at the Munich Academy.

    Alfred von wierusz kowalski biography template pdf

    Encouraged by his teacher, he joined the Polish group of artists in Munich, finally advancing to become their most prominent representative. He was appointed professor at the Munich Academy in 1890. Alfred von Wierusz-Kowalski received innumer