Lee james pantas drawings of flowers
Lee james pantas drawings of flowers n!
Lee james pantas drawings of flowers
About Lee Pantas
Born in 1941 and turning to art as his primary focus in the 1970's, Lee James Pantas is a painter dedicated to helping save our earth's natural environment from further destruction, a mission highlighted by his current project, "Liza's Reef", a ten-year series of paintings of an imaginary coral reef, accompanied by an environmental education website.
Started in 2005, one of the facets of this project is to raise awareness of the growing environmental crisis in our oceans caused by human activity -widespread pollution, wholesale destruction of entire species, and the accelerating disappearance of coral reefs all over the world.
Pantas' work, like that of Wyland, Christian Riese Lassen and other visionary painters of the ocean, is a call to action to stop this devastation before it is too late. His paintings are vibrant reminders of what we stand to lose if mankind cannot make the shift to a more sustainable and ecologically harmonious global society.
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