Mary o hara author biography template

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    Mary ohara author biography.

    Mary O'Hara (1885-1980)

    A well-loved American author best known for the immensely popular and timeless books about Ken and his horses.

    She was born in 1885 in New Jersey. After her first marriage broke up she worked as a screenwriter in the early days of Hollywood silent films.

    Mary o hara author biography template

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  • Mary ohara author biography
  • Mary ohara
  • Mary o hara author biography template for students
  • She then married a horse-loving Swede and they moved to Wyoming, buying a ranch and horses. It was at this time she wrote the bestselling Flicka and Thunderhead stories, also set on a ranch in Wyoming and doubtless influenced by her experience of ranch life.

    Mary O'Hara also wrote a few other non-horse books and an autobiography.

    She was in addition a talented musician and composer and also wrote a musical play called The Catch Colt (see below), later adapted into a novel with slight horse content.

    The stories of Flicka and Thunderhead have been adapted into a number of films and TV shows - see link for more detailed information.