Darryl philbin sayings and quotes

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    The Office: 10 Best Darryl Philbin Quotes

    Darryl Philbin was easily one of the most likable characters in The Office. The warehouse foreman turned assistant regional manager of Dunder Mifflin had one of the best arcs on the whole show.

    Darryl philbin sayings and quotes

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  • Darryl philbin sayings and quotes about life
  • Short funny sayings and quotes
  • Short sayings and quotes
  • Darryl philbin sayings and quotes funny
  • Darryl was funny, charming and possibly one of the most reasonable people at the company.

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    Darryl also never missed an opportunity to mess with Michael, especially since he was aware that Michael was ignorant and borderline racist.

    Darryl had some of the most creative one-liners and comebacks and here are just some of the most interesting quotes by him.

    Sitting On Your Biscuit, Never Having To Risk It

    During the Safety Training episode when Michael gets desperate to prove that a desk job is just as risky as a warehouse job, Darryl gives him a reality check.

    Michael obviously had a lot of insecurities about how macho Darryl’s job was and was hell-bent on proving